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Unusual paternity case arises from child support lawsuit

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Fathers’ Rights on Tuesday, November 29, 2011. In a rather unusual child support case, a 36-year-old father is suing a fertility clinic claiming that he did not give consent for his now ex-girlfriend to use his sperm for the purpose of in vitro fertilization. And while there are certainly some questions that the clinic and mother will have to answer, the entire lawsuit does highlight the role that paternity plays in a child support case. For this man, he explained that he never planned on having a family, and that his religious beliefs condone him from even stepping foot


Missouri child support statute amended

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Support on Friday, November 25, 2011. Child support is determined in Missouri by the Form 14. The Form 14 is primarily based on the gross income of the parties, along with various other factors including the visitation credit on line 11. Prior to the recent amendment in the law, if you were a father paying child support, but who shared close to equal custody with the mother, you could get up to a thirty-four percent visitation credit on line 11.  However, a judge only had to give a ten-percent visitation credit in most circumstances. This line


Paternity tests on the rise

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Paternity on Thursday, November 24, 2011. Since teen pop star Justin Bieber was alleged to be the father of a young woman’s baby, paternity has been a hot topic. However, paternity disputes are not just for celebrities. There were approximately 500,000 paternity tests performed in the U.S. last year. This week, the largest DNA testing company in the U.S. reported that they have experienced an increase in paternity inquiries recently. There are a number of situations in which someone would need to confirm paternity. Whether a mother is attempting to secure child support or an alleged father


Dealing with divorce, the holidays and stress

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Monday, November 21, 2011. For divorced parents the holidays can be particularly frustrating. And while it may be tempting to hold on to hurt feelings and animosity, these reactions between parents often make kids feel like they have to pick sides between their parents. However, according to family therapist Marie Hartwell-Walker, the holidays do not need to be a negative experience, and in fact can be quite positive and show children that there is no need to choose a side after a divorce, and that both parents still equally love them. The No. 1


Divorce does not have to be devastating for Missouri children

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce on Friday, November 18, 2011. Contrary to popular belief, Missouri children with divorced parents do not necessarily have lingering psychological damage. However, how parents address and deal with the divorce, can really affect their children’s overall feelings of stress and bad memories related to the split. Overall, studies have found that the way parents talk to their children about their divorce significantly impacts how their children respond in later years. For example, children who have the opportunity to talk to their parents about the divorce and ask questions are less likely to experience anxiety and


New twist to social media in divorce proceedings

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, November 15, 2011. In the past we’ve discussed the role of Facebook in divorce. In fact, even the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reported seeing an increase in the use of evidence gathered from social media sites being used in divorce proceedings. However, a recent judge’s ruling has the potential to play a rather large role in future rulings in Missouri and throughout the country when it comes to social media sites and divorce. In this recent case, the judge ordered that both spouses exchange passwords to the social networking sites they each


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Family Law Illinois

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

Strategies For Military Family Law

Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

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Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

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